İngilis dili 9-cu sinif

İngilis dili 9-cu sinif
30 mart 2023

  • The Noun, Vocabulary (3) Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Noun, Vocabulary (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Article, Vocabulary (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • Quantifiers / The Numeral, Vocabulary (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Pronoun - Personal p, Possessive p, Reflexive p, Reciprocal p, Demonstrative p (4)
  • The Pronoun - Interrogative p, Relative p, Conjunctive p (4)
  • The Pronoun - Indefinite p, Defining p, Negative p (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Adjective, Vocabulary (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Adverb, Vocabulary (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Preposition - Time/Place/Direction (3),  Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Prepositions with Verbs & Adjectives (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Verb / to be, to do, to have / Irregular verbs (4)
  • Simple Tenses, Vocabulary (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • Continuous Tenses (2), Perfect Tenses (2)
  • Sequence of Tenses (1), There is/are (2), Reading-Listening (1)
  • Modal verbs, Vocabulary (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Passive Voice, Vocabulary (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • Sentence Structure (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • The Conjunction (3), Reading-Listening (1)                      
  • Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle) (3), Reading-Listening (1)
  • Complex Object (2), Reading-Listening (2)
  • Subject-verb agreement (2), Reading-Listening (2)
  • Repetition (Grammar and Reading/Listening)